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SoulTic Magazine’s Comprehensive List of African American / Black First That Helped Break the Color Barrier pt. 13 Internet Vol- 13

2014 –  Ava Du Vernay  [ First  African – American  woman to be nominated by the Golden Globe Awards Best Director ,  Movie / Film: (Selma)

Mia  Love  [ First  African – American  woman Republican elected to the United States Congress :  (Utah )

Michelle J. Howard [ First African-American woman four star admiral : 

Tim Scott [ First African- American elected to the Senate ; and House:

Tim Scott [ First African American senator elected in the South since Reconstruction: ( South Carolina )


2015 –  Paulette Brown [ First  African –  American woman to become President of the American Bar Association :

Wendell Scott [ First  African – American to be inducted into the NASCAR  Hall Fame — (note see > 1952 )

Loretta Lynch [ First  African – American woman  Attorney  General of the United States :

Michael Curry [ First  African – American elected as presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church :

Vincent R . Stewart [ First African- American to lead a major intelligence  agency .  ( Defense  Intelligence Agency )

Jeffrey  Orridge  [ First  African – American Commissioner of a major North American sports league :


2016 –  Dr . Carla  Hayden [ First  African – American  Librarian of Congress :

Channing  Dungey   [ First  African – American president of a major broadcast TV network: