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African American Politicians / Blacks In Politics pt . 11 Internet Vol – 11 Black History Month Information pt . 4

Many people of color / African Americans / Blacks have made countless contributions to the United States of America. A country which is constantly evolving into a melting pot , made up of rich traditions trailblazers , and History makers .

Black History Month ( February ) was designated as the time to celebrate as well as honor contributions made by Black and Brown people living today . All while traveling back through our rich , outstanding timeline to remember the enslaved people brought hear from Africa in the 17th century .

In this article / blog , I would like to share with you a former State Supreme Court Justice Associate by the name of Jonathan J . Wright . History records that Jonathan J. Wright was the State Supreme Court Justice Associate of South Carolina , from 1870 to 1877 .

Born in Pennsylvania in 1840. Wright was the only Black / African American to elevate to such a high Judicial post during the reconstruction era . African Americans / Blacks / Negros ( dated term ) during that time where on the cusp of many first time events . It is a little known Black History Fact that Jonathan J. Wright was also the first [ Negro : Dated term ] Black / African American to be admitted to the bar in that state .

Historical Footnotes indicate that in 1865 Jonathan J. Wright was sent to Beaufort , South Carolina by the American Missionary Society to help organize schools for freed men. Sometime after that History records that Wright was hired by Freedmen’s Bureau as a legal aid to help serve the legality needs of ex-slaves . A few History buffs now recall that , in the aftermath of slavery there was an acute demand for well grounded individuals in many areas , even more so in public service and politics.

Public records indicate that Jonathan J. Wright resigned from Freedmen’s Bureau to start what turned out to be a now well noted time in politics. History notes that Wright attended the South Carolina Constitutional Convention in 1868 and was elected State Senator of Beaufort South Carolina .

Wright filled out a few months left from the term of Solomon L. Hoge. Hoge who had resigned to run for congress . History notes that in the latter part of 1870 , Wright was re-elected for a full six year term. A more in depth research indicated that Jonathan J. Wright had more than fair ability to serve on the court . During his tenure out of the 425 cases herd by the State Supreme Court 87 of the opinions handed down were written by him.

While serving in the legislature or on the bench with all of the well documented viciousness of state politics during that time. Coupled with on going white Supremacy. Their was no proof of any dishonesty by Wright . Jonathan J . Wright resigned from the court in 1877. It is unclear of the reason.

Soultic Magazine salutes Jonathan J. Wright for his ground breaking efforts like wise, the high standards that he set . All while displaying good moral ethics . Plus show casing African Americans / Blacks more than capable ability to serve in public service.